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Green Office Green Leaf

General, General information June 13th 2017
Green Office Green Leaf

We discovered that smaller businesses, with less red tape surrounding them, have the advantage of making bigger Green decisions and being more environmentally aware. Adopting a collective Green approach to bring about positive environmental changes within the workplace can also help to save a few £’s. Here are some ideas that could be used to make greener decisions. If everyone made a small change today the collective impact could be great and benefit people worldwide!

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Use environmentally friendly office products that might cost slightly more but this is a small step to cutting down on waste and pollution within the workplace. We all know that using 100% recycled paper and refillable ink cartridges is a great way to save energy and decrease pollution but little consideration is given harsh, abrasive and often environment wrecking cleaning products. So here’s a bit of blurb about our All Natural Sanitiser Spray: its non-toxic, eco-friendly, Kills 99% of bacteria in seconds, there is no need to rinse which saves time and it can be used frequently with no risk of surface damage. Known as Purific, this amazing little bottle of goodness can be used as a sanitiser and a cleaning product which is suitable for use on office desks, chairs, storage and within dining or breakout areas.

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Be energy wise: With summer fast approaching in June! It’s easy to turn to an aircon overdose but for those of us that have the option; opening windows instead can make all the difference to providing a healthy more Green office. Making sure those computers, photocopiers and all office equipment are switched off at the end of the day has a positive impact on our environment. We discovered that computers can also be set to energy efficient settings with monitors switching off automatically after 15 minutes. Kettles, coffee machines and other electrical appliances, in the work place, all take their toll on the environment so checking that they are switched off at the end of the day could save on energy costs.

Be water wise: Writing this blog has forced us to think about using water wisely at work and without the luxury of a power shower our focus turned to the over worked kettles which get filled to the brim every time somebody as much as thinks about a hot drink, we drink a lot of tea and coffee! So we turned to Which? and here are their kettle energy saving tips: Boil only the amount of water you need, boiling a litre of water often uses more than twice the energy it takes to boil the minimum amount, descale your kettle regularly, if it’s full of limescale it uses more energy to boil the same amount of water. Choose a kettle with a low minimum fill which means you won’t waste energy by boiling more water than you need.

Be recycle wise: We made the assumption that everybody is recycling within the workplace and it’s a given that making sure there are proper recycling procedures in place and all the staff are aware of them is a must. In addition we stumbled across some interesting reading by Sustainable Business Toolkit: Top 7 office recycling tips that will obliterate your waste. This online article kept our attention where others failed!

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Back to the hot drinks.....By choosing Fairtrade organic tea and coffee as our office drinks of choice we can all do our bit to help farmers and workers benefit from improved working conditions, increase awareness of best practice farming, environment management and provide the opportunity to improve healthcare and education within their community. Millions of farmers and workers around the world depend on tea alone to make an income. Competition is rife in countries such as Kenya and Sri Lanka where the smallholder tea sector faces fluctuating green leaf tea prices. They are all too often vulnerable in the tea supply chain which is controlled by large companies. For more visit

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