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Herman Miller Office Furniture

October 12th 2008

Herman Miller Office furniture Based where they were founded in Zeeland Michigan Herman Miller is one of the largest office furniture Companies in the world and operate in excess of 100 counties and have factories in China, Italy and the UK as well as the US. Founded by DJ De Pree in 1923 when he saved the Star furniture company from bankruptcy. De Pree met a New York based furniture designer Gilbert Rohde who convinced him to market more contemporary designs. This met with immediate success and there followed further collaborations with legendary designers including George Nelson, Isamu Noguchi and Bill Stumpf. In the 1960’s Herman Miller revolutionised the office furniture industry with a panel base system called Action Office. The use of vertical office screen panels to support desk top and storage modules and to create landscaped open plan offices was utilized across Corporate America and in many other countries. Herman Miller continues it cooperation with many gifted designers and is also committed to operational excellence. In 1996 in the face of growing competition and declining prices Herman Miller adopted the Toyota production system model reducing its manufacturing costs and also the lead time of many of its products from 6-8 weeks to 10-12 days. Please contact us for further information on Herman Miller Office Furniture

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