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Office Easter Egg Hunt

With Easter fast approaching and everyone rushing out to get Easter eggs for their kids and loved ones, what I want to know is where is the adult’s fun? We present to you... The Office Easter Egg Hunt!

Why Do An Office Easter Egg Hunt?

Office easter egg hunts provide a great way to boost team morale. They’re easy to set up, and simply consist of hiding eggs under the office desks and chairs that you’re forever sitting on, or any other type of office furniture for that matter. Maybe you could even play an Easter themed version of 'pub golf' by dropping mini eggs into colleagues' coffee. All just to make the working day a bit more enjoyable.

These easter egg hunts could be used as a team bonding event (or that’s how you could pitch it to the boss) to bring the team together. Introduce some competitive spirit by splitting the staff into teams… and then watch how the inner child emerges from each and every one of them in order to battle it out for a win.

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How To Plan The Perfect Office Easter Egg Hunt:

1. Decide on the time and date;

2. Design an Easter egg hunt according to the age group (keep reading for some top tips!);

3. Choose the hunt location (the office is more than suitable);

4. Set up the boundary (will the hunt be restricted to one office, or the whole building?);

5. Make a list of all the hiding places (just in case some go missing!);

6. Buy some prizes (e.g: chocolate, alcohol, work perks);

7. Send out a memo to all employees advertising the event.

The event never seems to lose its appeal to the kids. Now it’s our turn!

Stick to the 7 simple steps and we’re sure your Easter Egg hunt will be EGGtraordinary.

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Top Tips For Making The Hunt A Success

So now you know the seven basic steps involved with setting up an easter egg hunt, let’s delve into how to make it as memorable as possible. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to a traditional chocolate egg hunt, but how can you make it even more enticing for adults?

Use Height To Your Advantage: If you’re familiar with children easter egg hunts, you’ll know that most hiding places have to be at a low level to make it a fair game. With adults, however, this doesn’t matter so much. Keeping this in mind will allow you to find super tricky hiding places, without being limited by height.

Use Riddles: Easter egg hunts can involve a whole lot more than simply hiding some chocolate. Why not give your employees some riddles to crack, which give hints to various hiding locations? This not only extends the length of the easter egg hunt, but creates a warming teamwork atmosphere as players try to figure out the riddles together.

Scavenger Mode: Another great way to make the easter egg hunt more interactive is by adding in scavenger items to find. Give each player a list of additional items they must find; the person who finds the most (alongisde the eggs), wins!

Perks: Apart from the sense of pride and pile of chocolate, why not treat the winners of the easter egg hunt to a work perk? Whether it be an extra day of holiday allowance or a birthday lay in, there are plenty of things that you can do to reward employees. Adding in an extra perk will be sure to get those uninterested by the hunt involved, too…

Good luck!

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