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Offimat call centre cluster desks

August 23rd 2008

Offimat call centre desks The Offimat office furniture range has a number of options which are suitable for call centre and contact centre applications. There are two types of four way cluster supported by either a pedestal of CPU cupboard with a single door, both of these have the same footprint and are available with desk tops in beech and screens in MFC Silver, Beech or upholstered options. In the same dimension there is also a six way cluster supported by a CPU cupboard with the same desk top and screen finish choices. A larger 6 way cluster with a diameter of 2420mm with tops in white or beech and is supported by panel sides. Offimat cubicles are often found in call centres and libraries and are a useful means of providing some privacy and aiding concentration. These cubicles with desk tops in beech and sids in beech, dark grey or silver are available in 800mm and 1000mm widths. Offimat is a comprehensive office and executive furniture range and can be used with Armarious storage and cubic bookcases. Please contact us for further information on Offimat office furniture

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