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Pledge office chairs

September 20th 2008

Pledge office seating founded by current managing director David Carter in 1970 has moved to various locations in Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire. From the humble beginnings in Friday Street with 10 employees, moving later a 2000 square metre factory with facilities including robotic welding, and automatic saw machine and a powders coat spay plant. At this time Pledge grew to 120 strong. The move to Mill Road in 1991 saw Pledge office chairs occupying 14000 square metres on a 9 acre site and reaching a turnover in excess of £13 million. Pledge office seating are one of the UK small number or true office chair manufacturers, producing many of the components in house rather than just being an assembly line of imported office chair componentry. This gives Pledge total control of the production of office chairs and they can gear this production for special and large contract orders. Products from pledge include the mesh back oxygen designer chair, Decimo sofas and the Ozone modular seating. Please manufacture office chairs to ISO 9001 quality assurance and ISO140001 Environmental standards Please contact our sales office for further information on these office chairs

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