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Sit back and relax: how to improve your workplace posture

Ergonomics, General information January 16th 2018
Sit back and relax: how to improve your workplace posture

Seriously, If like most of us you spend most of your day sat in an office chair looking at a computer screen you might find that you suffer from back, neck, shoulder and leg pain, as well as headaches resulting from these. This is usually because you’re adopting a posture that is contributing to, if not causing, these painful musculoskeletal disorders.

The solution is an obvious one: you need to change the way that you’re sitting – more than that, you need seating that supports this. That’s why we’ve written this article. Giving you some great tips to help you break your bad habits and get your body feeling fit and strong again, it really could change your life for the better.

Shoulders back

One of the main causes of aches and pains for those who work in an office is the way that we tend to sit – generally, perched on the front of our seat and slouching. Causing the lumbar spine to lose its inner curve, this can lead to disc strain, which is why you need to start actively thinking about your posture.

To start, move your chair nearer to your desk, and push your bottom back. Make sure that your back and seat back are in contact at all times too, as if you’re glued to each other and can do nothing else. Then put your shoulders back and smile. Do this for a few days, and you’ll soon find that your aches and pains begin to lessen.

Adjust the height of your seat

Another problem is that lots of people have their seats set at the wrong height so that their legs dangle downwards. This won’t be helping the situation at all, and nor will crossing your legs, or raising them so that your weight is supported on your heels or ankles. Manoeuvre your chair until you can comfortably sit with your feet flat on the floor, and your whole posture will instantly improve.

Check your armrests

Our third and final tip is to take a look at your armrests and see whether they’re actually set up at the right height or not. You want your shoulders to be in a relaxed position as you work, and to achieve this, your armrests need to be suitably adjusted: too high, and they’ll raise your shoulders; too low, and they’ll make you lean.

Get the set-up just right with the help of these three super easy tips, and you’ll be feeling much more comfortable in no time!

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